Therapist works with patient virtually

How Technology Is Revolutionizing Mental Health Care

An assortment of problems arose for mental healthcare professionals when the pandemic hit. There was a shift in how care could be provided. And there was a higher demand from the public for mental health services. 

Many had to turn to alternative methods of care through technology. The more noticeable method was therapists using teletherapy to provide care for their patients. Some have continued to provide this care method as some clients may do better with this type of support.

Teletherapy wasn’t the only new tool popular for healthcare professionals. These new methods are changing how care is given to clients and how it can continue mental health support beyond your weekly sessions. Here is how technology is revolutionizing mental health care and what this can mean for your practice. 

Want to connect with more clients that fit your type of practice? Sign up for Ravel Mental Health today! 

What New Technology is Available for Mental Healthcare Professionals Infographic

What New Technology Is Available For Mental Healthcare Professionals?

The rise in technology tools is continuing to expand. However, the ones approved and being used more frequently by providers are taking mental health care to a new level. Each method provides appointment care through technology or uses technology for treatment plans. 


Since people couldn’t meet in person for a while, telehealth became one of the best tools to still provide care. Therapists can use phone calls or video calls to meet with their clients and provide the therapy session. Online counseling is helpful for people who need a more flexible schedule, and it can allow you to work from a home office and avoid office expenses. 

Crisis Response

Crisis response centers have been around for a while. However, they’re on the rise again with options for calls, texts, or even video calls. These provide people with an outlet if they’re going through a challenging mental health episode and need immediate help. 

Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps are targeted to help in a few different ways. Although Ravel Mental Health doesn’t have an app yet, some apps allow clients to get help online or find therapists in their area. Some apps like Calm are targeted to help someone feel better. 

Another way is letting people have a place to speak their minds and get community support through apps such as Vent. This takes an anonymous approach that can help clients identify what they’re feeling and why they’re feeling a certain way. They’ll also have interactive community support that can help validate their feelings and talk with them if needed.

Prescription Video Games

The FDA has approved the first prescription video games to help kids ages 8 to 12 with ADHD. EndeavorRX challenges these younger clients with focusing on multiple tasks simultaneously within the game environment. This is a modern approach to treatment that will target the kid’s natural habits and drive measurable improvements. 

AI-Powered Tools

AI-assisted tools are rising in popularity with AI chatbots. These can help your patients practice CBT strategies and manage their symptoms between appointments. These tools can’t replace human counselors, but they can give your clients 24/7 support when intervention is needed. 

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR technology prices have dropped dramatically over the last few years, allowing your patients better access to this tool. Research suggests that VR tools can help treat anxiety, phobias, PTSD, depression, and other mental health issues. 

Children with ADHD can use VR to practice focusing in classroom settings. People with autism can also practice navigating stressful social situations, so they’re better equipped to deal with them in real life. 

Digital Symptom or Mood Tracking

A few mental health apps can help people track their moods or symptoms to recognize signs or patterns better. Apps like Moodfit, MoodTools, Moodkit, and Daylio can help your patients track themselves when they’re not in a session with you. This also allows you to analyze their patterns of behavior throughout the week to better assist them by understanding their habits. 

Online Booking

Online tools, like Ravel Mental Health, can help you find new clients and help them find you. They can book through these online platforms, and neither of you has to face the hassle of matching schedules. These tools are an easy way to reach new clients in your area and reach out to the people in need of your services. 

Want to book more clients? Sign up for Ravel Mental Health today to get started! 

How Is Technology Revolutionizing Mental Health Care?

All of these tools available for both clients and therapists make it easier to provide care. The shortage of health care professionals in the United States makes it even more critical to utilize tools to give help. 

For therapists, these are great ways to ensure that your patients have 24/7 care when you can’t be there. They also allow you to utilize habit tracking to understand your client better and reassess their treatment plan. Technology like prescription video games also allows you to use new methods of treatment that don’t involve medication and can fit your patient’s needs more. 

Several benefits can come from utilizing technology for mental healthcare treatments.

Pros of Mental Health Apps

Technology follows people around in their pockets all day. And so can mental health apps. There are a few advantages that your patients can have with this disposable tool at their fingertips, including: 

  • Convenience: Treatments that help someone stay focused or calm or give them a place to vent their feelings are available anywhere they go. And the apps can help patients that have trouble with booking in-person appointments.
  • Anonymity: Many people like the idea of not having to be completely vulnerable and show people that they’re struggling. Apps like Vent allow these people to stay anonymous and still receive the help they need. 
  • Care Education: Many people feel intimidated if they’ve never received proper care. Technology helps introduce them to mental health care and can provide them with some education about it. 
  • Lower Cost: Some people may not be able to afford traditional care methods. The online tools can help them get care or treatments at an affordable cost.
  • Accessibility: Online services can help reach people who may not have the resources or services available in person. You can get more people and guide them to seeking help. 
  • Constant Services: Technology can provide patients with 24/7 support that is consistent and helps many other people. It creates an online community that can always be there to help. 
  • Data Collection: It can be helpful for the patient and you to have access to habit data. This can help them recognize their patterns and help you customize treatments to that. 

Cons of Technological Help

There are always pros and cons that can affect the effectiveness of treatments. With room to grow and improve, the mental healthcare community and software developers can focus on improving some downfalls, including: 

  • Effectiveness: Sometimes, online treatments are not as effective as in-person interactions. Some patients may never reach out for more help if they believe their technology is more beneficial. 
  • Privacy: Mental health is a personal journey that can sometimes be private. Mental health apps can obtain sensitive personal information and don’t always guarantee all app users’ privacy. 
  • Regulation: It’s unsure of the effectiveness of online services, which can be attributed to the lack of regulation. This can go for treatments that people are following without the guidance of a therapist or apps not recognizing warning signs of harmful behavior. 
  • Overselling: Some platforms can oversell the effectiveness of their product or service. This can get people’s hopes up and may cost them monetary or emotional damage. 

How Is Using Technology Useful For Therapists?

As shown, there are several ways that technology can help therapists provide better care for their patients. A beneficial effect is allowing 24/7 support for them and allowing them to express their feelings comfortably. Another is the modern methods of treatment that can better suit your patient. 

One of the main benefits of using technology is closing the gap between demand and availability. Many people need mental healthcare services but may not have enough in their area. Technology can help close the gap between people in need and therapists searching for patients. 

Ravel Mental Health is a platform that can help you reach new clients. It will show the available therapists in a person’s area and help them book appointments. It’s great for clients and therapists because it can be narrowed down to the specific type of care they need. 

With Ravel Mental Health, your future clients can book an appointment with you in just a few clicks. All you have to do is show your openness to helping them. We can use the revolutionizing healthcare technology to close the gap on people who need help. 

Ready to connect with more clients? Sign up for Ravel Mental Health today, and you can get connected with clients in no time.

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