Counselor - Ravel Mental Health LLC

How It Works

Register yourself

Simply create an account on our platform, provide your professional license information for verification, and your FREE 6 month trial will be activated.

Create Profile

Complete your profile and set up your available appointments. That’s how potential clients can learn about you and your practice and schedule a session with you directly through the platform.

Manage Appointments

Log onto your dashboard to view appointment details and keep your availability up to date. You can also accept, reject or reschedule appointments.

Register Now

Benefits of Joining Ravel Mental Health

Attract New Clients

An easy and effective way to market your services and build your practice

Improve Efficiency

Take the stress out of finding time to schedule appointments

Stay Booked

Fill gaps in your schedule or last-minute openings

Platform Pricing

  • 6 Months FREE Access
  • No Credit Card Required to Join!



Billed Monthly
Popular Plan



Billed Annually
Your Subscription Includes
  • 6 Months free, cancel anytime
  • Comprehensive practice information
  • Ability to upload an introductory video and pictures
  • 10 searchable office locations
  • Listing of 10 professional licenses
  • Your available appointment times in-person and online for all locations, which can be booked instantly through the platform
  • Your own profile URL to share anywhere for seamless bookings
  • Link to groups you offer and the number of spots available
  • Link to your website
  • Link to social media profiles
  • Email notification when an appointment is booked, rescheduled or canceled.
  • Ability to easily add booked appointments to your current calendar
  • Secure dashboard to view, confirm, reschedule or cancel appointments
  • Automatic email appointment reminders sent to clients 24 hours in advance

We do not charge any additional fees when an appointment is booked through our platform.

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